Sunday, February 3, 2008

Clinton Health Plan May Mean Tapping Pay

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.
Clinton has not always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but when pressed on ABC's ``This Week,'' she said: ``I think there are a number of mechanisms'' that are possible, including ``going after people's wages, automatic enrollment.''

Clinton said such measures would apply only to workers who can afford health coverage but refuse to buy it, which puts undue pressure on hospitals and emergency rooms. With her proposals for subsidies, she said, ``it will be affordable for everyone.''

And she is going to tell us who can afford it? Major mistake on her part...Obama needs to put this in an Ad immediately!


Anonymous said...

Wow... I can't believe she would make this kind of a *oops* the day before Super Tuesday!! How very Republican of her!

C. Blackburn said...

Obama should immediately use this in an Ad because you know the Republicans will this Fall.