Friday, February 8, 2008

Obama One, McCain Two, and Clinton Three

A new Time magazine poll compares potential general election match ups:

Obama 48%, McCain 41%
Clinton 46%, McCain 46%

According to the poll director, the difference is that "independents tilt toward McCain when he is matched up against Clinton But they tilt toward Obama when he is matched up against the Illinois Senator."

The question is do the Democrats want to win the White House or nominate the first women to be President?


Anonymous said...

Well, being a democrat, i vote for winning the white house. Nominating the first woman president does no good if she can't get elected. Besides, i just don't like her, or how she views things. I think America needs change, and although all the candidates are preaching that that's what they stand for, Obama is really the only one i can see that would really instigate any change. All Clinton would do is gloat over the fact that she's the first woman president, and take us back to to days of back door deals and secrecy.

katie said...

Hmm... think that the super delegates are going to keep endorsing someone who won't win???