Calling him a "tough but fair judge" President Bush named Michael B. Mukasey as his choice to replace embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who resigned after months of criticism for his management of the Department of Justice. Bush said that Mukasey is a "sound manager" who will bring "impressive credentials" to the job.
Mukasey, a retired federal judge, said he was "deeply honored" to be selected and said that his "fondest hope and prayer" was to give the employees at the Department of Justice the "support and leadership they deserve." Go to ABCNews
Oh great, another guy to back bush's policies in power. How about a judge that can think for his/herself???
Sure hope he knows more than Mr. Gonzales did..
at least both sides think he's a fair judge!
so does the attorney general stay in that position when there is a change in presidency? or does the new president appoint a new one? just wondering, because if he stays it would be interesting to see what would happen w/ a democratic president... and as attorney General, Mr. Mukasey (sp?) could have a pretty big impact on the presidential election, simply for the fact that he and mr. Guliani are actually former partners and very close personal friends. and to tell you the truth, if any republican was to be president i would want it to be him.
its too bad that later blackburn will tell you that credentials mean nothing more than having the bare minimum...and having alike political views with the president, is the only away to get appointed to ANYTHING anymore.
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