How do you feel our government has done in its efforts to capture and bring to justice Osama Bin Laden?
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Information and analysis of politics from an Independent American. Sports through the eyes of a Steeler fan (NFL), College Football, National Baketball Association (Go Blazers!), College Basketball, & MLB (Go Braves!)
Yeah i know its a little long but worth it.
Michael Savage’s Commentary on September 11, 2007
Today I want to speak about the uncivil liberties being used by our enemies to destroy us. Both the enemy within and without, who are slowly but surely gaining the upper hand in their attempt to weaken us to the point where we can no longer defend ourselves. Their ultimate goal? The end of freedom and the imposition of Islam upon every man woman and child.
What are these uncivil liberties? The enemy within uses the uncivil liberty of Freedom of speech to preach hatred for our way of life. He uses freedom of assembly, to gather in mosques. He uses freedom of religion to hide behind the minarets while plotting our end. He even uses our freedom of the press to disseminate his calls for Jihad or Holy War right within our own nation.
There comes a time in every nation’s history, where certain freedoms must be curtailed, if the nation is to survive. IN the extreme, this is known as Martial Law. At this time in our history we do not require Martial Law, to protect ourselves. We require the Patriot Act, gutted by the enemy within, the ACLU. We require the freedom to tell each and every American, where the terrorists must be hiding, what they look like, what language they speak, and who to report suspicious persons to. These common sense acts of vigilance are not now being enacted, owing to the dominance of the left wing media, and the stranglehold on our police agencies by civil libertarians both within and outside the courts.
It was said “when the leaders will not lead the people, the people must lead the leaders”. Now is our time to lead our leaders, in this war against radical Islam. We the people must be vigilant, where the government dares not tread. We must demand a means such as an 800 number that all suspicious activity or persons (such a single central anti-terror number does not exist, even today!) can be reported to the authorities
In conclusion, we are as vulnerable to being attacked, if not more vulnerable, than we were on September 11th, 2001. Only when we the people stand up to the gangs of the illegitimate, suicidal, leftists, in the courts, the press and the government itself, do we have a whisper of a chance to stop the next attack. These crazy leftists would put their socialist principles above survival. Let me remind them, that the ultimate principle is survival.
Michael Savage
Just a thought from Savage that i thought was sort of fitting.
As much as I personally dislike Michael Savage, I have to agree this time. Maybe our freedoms are going to lead to Americas demise.
So what about the question?
The U.S. government in my opinion really gave up on searching for Bin Laden after entering Iraq. if we hadn't entered Iraq, i feel safe saying that there is a good possibility Bin Laden would either be captured or dead. But the government felt that saddam was a bigger threat, so, being a loyal american, i have to say that i do support our government in these choices... even if i don't necessarily agree with them
well whos to say whether the government is still looking for Bin Laden actively. what the media reports seems to be the only thing that people care about anymore.
the media has FAR too much control over politics i believe.
The media makes too much of a difference in our society. When Hilary Clinton goes on Ellen Degeneres and the late show to broadcast herself as a nominee, theres something wrong.
I've listened to Michael Savage alot this summer while driving a tractor, not because I like him I like his rants and raves though but he has a softer side sometimes which is surprising, he brings up good points and brings up issues that should be addressed.
The government did drive the taliban out and potentially killed Osama Bin Laden. Even though he has rebuilt his top inner circle, if he is still alive. The invasion of Afganinstan was perfectly planned. It countered what Osama Bin Laden thought the U.S. was going to do, like what the Soviet Union did. Instead of a massive force, top U.S. professional soldiers leading Northern Alliance troops in a perfectly anti-guerrilla war. Imagine if Afganistan was the only country we invaded in the last 6 years.
while the government focused our initial war efforts on capturing bin laden, recently the government hasn't been doing a good job trying to track him down. bin laden needs to be captured so he won't organize anything so horrendous again. (i can't spell.) we can't become lax about security, especially while bin laden is at large.
~sarah k
does anyone else find it odd that we didnt so much as take a moment of silence on 9/11? that really made me angry...
taking a moment of silence? do you mean during school? when we lined up at my soccer game we did.
Amen max. It just goes to show how some people have forgotten about that horrible crime that we suffered on September the 11th. Forgot about how our society came together to help one another in a time of need. Forgot about the time we spent with our family and friends in times of sadness, pain, and disbelief. Forgot about the innocent victims who perished along with the brave and courageous emergency responders. Forgot about all the prayers sent to God that day, and weeks to follow. And today…forgotten why we are in the Middle East. I think we need to be there till everyone who was directly involved and the aiders and abettors are brought to justice by any means. Our government has done a fairly decent job overseas in the hunt of Bin Laden (considering all the obstacles and rules of engagement), yeah of course in hindsight we could have done some things differently but that’s the same in any case. We did at the time what we thought was necessary. With Bush’s approval rating being 88% shortly after 9/11, it just goes to show that at that time we all (88% of us) agreed with his thoughts and ideas of going overseas(according to the Wall Street Journal Online)
I remember that day so well. I was at home about to head off to school, i was watching good day oregon, when the news was interupted and showed the first plane hit. Well i told my mom about it and she said "you can stay home if you want."(Don't know why) Well i remember the rest as it way yesterday, probably the most television i watched all day. I decribe it now, the same way my grandparents knew exactly where they were on December 7, 1941.
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