It’s nice to be in a country where Iraq is never mentioned. It’s just a little unnerving when that country is America’s biggest geopolitical and economic rival these days: China.
I heard China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao, address an international conference here in Dalian, and what impressed me most was how boring it was — a straightforward recitation of the staggering economic progress China has made in the last two decades and the towering economic, political and environmental challenges it still faces.
How nice it must be, I thought, to be a great power and be almost entirely focused on addressing your own domestic problems?
No, I have not gone isolationist. America has real enemies that China does not, and therefore we have to balance a global security role in places like the Middle East with domestic demands.
But something is out of balance with America today. Looking at the world from here, it is hard not to feel that China has spent the last six years training for the Olympics while we’ve spent ourselves into debt on iPods and Al Qaeda.
After 9/11, we tried to effect change in the heart of the Arab-Muslim world by trying to build a progressive government in Baghdad. There was, I believed, a strategic and moral logic for that. But the strategy failed, for a million different reasons, and now it is time to recognize that and focus on how we insulate ourselves from the instability of that world — by having a real energy policy, for starters — how we protect our security interests there in more sustainable ways and how we get back to developing our own house.
By now it should be clear that Iraq is going to be what it is going to be. We’ve never had sufficient troops there to shape Iraq in our own image. We simply can’t go on betting so many American soldiers and resources that Iraqis will one day learn to live together on their own — without either having to be bludgeoned by Saddam or baby-sat by us.
So either we get help or get out. That is, if President Bush believes staying in Iraq can still make a difference, then he needs to muster some allies because the American people are not going to sustain alone — nor should they — a long-shot bet that something decent can still be built in Baghdad.
If the president can’t get help, then he has to initiate a phased withdrawal: now. Because the opportunity cost this war is exacting on our country and its ability to focus on anything else is out of all proportion to what might still be achieved in Iraq by our staying, with too few troops and too few friends.
Iraqis can add. The surge has brought more calm to Iraq largely because the mainstream Iraqi Sunnis finally calculated that they have lost and that both the pro-Al Qaeda Iraqi Sunnis and the radical Shiites are more of a threat to them than the Americans they had been shooting at.
The minute we start withdrawing, all Iraqis will carefully calculate their interests. They may decide that they want more blood baths, but there is just as much likelihood that they will eventually find equilibrium.
I have not been to Dalian in three years. It is not just a nice city for China. It is a beautiful city of wide avenues, skyscrapers, green spaces, software parks and universities.
The president of Dalian University of Technology, Jinping Ou, told me his new focus now is on energy research and that he has 100 doctoral students dealing with different energy problems — where five years ago he barely had any — and that the Chinese government has just decided to open its national energy innovation research center here.
Listening to him, my mind drifted back to Iraq, where I was two weeks ago and where I heard a U.S. officer in Baghdad tell this story:
His unit was on a patrol in a Sunni neighborhood when it got hit by an I.E.D. Fortunately, the bomb exploded too soon and no one was hurt. His men jumped out and followed the detonation wire, which led 1,500 feet into the neighborhood. A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter was in the area and alerted the U.S. soldiers that a man was fleeing the scene on a bicycle. The soldiers asked the Black Hawk for help, and it swooped down and used its rotor blades to blow the insurgent off his bicycle, with a giant “whoosh,” and the U.S. soldiers captured him.
That image of a $6 million high-tech U.S. helicopter with a highly trained pilot blowing an insurgent off his bicycle captures the absurdity of our situation in Iraq. The great Lebanese historian Kamal Salibi said it best: “Great powers should never get involved in the politics of small tribes.”
That is where we are in Iraq. We’re wasting our brains. We’re wasting our people. We’re wasting our future. China is not.
the country should just be split into three parts based on ethnicity. I think that the U.S. should just get out of the sections that do not wish our help in stabilization, and stay in the sections that do.
while splitting the country would seem easy enough, and solve the ethnicity problems, the real issue would be distribution of resources. the Iraqi main oil fields would end up in control of only one faction, and that of course would never fly with the other factions.
not to rag on religion or anything, but...this is what happens when religion gets into politics.
now of course its not the only factor is this dispute, but certainly is not to be ignored.
No matter what anyone says, the US can not leave Iraq until the region is fully stabilized. If the US left within the next few months, what would happen to the people that are depending on the US for protection? Don't you think that the powerful nations or groups within and around Iraq would try to take over as soon as we left? YES, of course they would! If for no other reason, the US needs to remain in Iraq to keep more people safe and free. Splitting up the nation should be completely up to the people of Iraq, but we need to stay there to support them!
The United States can't leave Iraq until stablized and even if stablized, i wouldn't be surprised if Iraq became like South Korea or the Balkan region where troops are still posted. The police and army officials are doing the best they can but it's hard when they are targeted at their homes by insurgents.
It's not up to the United States to split up the Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites. All three groups want each other resources, a piece in the country oil revenue pie.
It's going to take til 2012 til major troop redrawals due to the Iraqi presidential election is in 2009(that's a mess too if it's a Sunni, Shiites have a problem with it and vice-versa), making the Iraqi army efficient to secure its country, and Bush's steadfast with "staying the course". It takes time to stabilize a former dictatorial country to evolve to a democracy, if i remember correctly the U.S. wasn't too stable when it became indepedent.
Befor we leave the Iraqui people to deal with all these problems, we need to help fix them . I believe we had the right intentions coming in but our strategy is starting to fall apart.
Iraq will never be a completely peaceful nation (people in America still have problems with other groups and look at how long we have been a successful democracy), but they can and will come up with a plan to efficiently work together. All Americans should be more concered about the safety of our soldiers in the Middle East and how much progress is really being made by Iraqis; instead, many of us are more concerned with how pretty and green our lawns are and how many luxuries we actually have. In reference to the story about the Black Hawk helicopter, don't you think that it is better to catch someone trying to kill American soldiers (no matter how they capture them) then letting the terrorist get away and tell his buddies just what to do to catch the US off guard?
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