Buses lined roads into Jena, Louisiana, today as people from across the country came to support the "Jena 6," six black teens charged in the beating of a white classmate. Buses lined up as far as the eye could see, reported CNN.com's Eliott McLaughlin. developing story
Other links to this story that has been in the shadows...
this whole incident is downright ridiculous. plain and simple.
there are a number of things wrong with this whole thing:
1. a tree (good lord, a TREE!?) should not be labeled as a "white" tree.
2. the district attorney does not deserve his job. if he is going out and making such statements, then he deserves no less then the loss of job and hefty fines, if not jail time.
3. the "black" students should not have acted that way. if they did not want to be discriminate against, they should not have acter violently.
and there are plenty more where that came from.
good night, what is wrong with people these days?
This is sad and kinda ridiculous. I mean it's great that people want to defend these boys but what they did was wrong. Also I think that Bush could have said a little more about this event, if he wants to be remembered as a 'okay' president he could of at least did something, like what Kennedy did.
there is no reverse racism here, just proof that we really aren't as far as we thought we were with civil rights issues as a country. This is absolutely ridiculous, black students had to get permission to sit under a "white" tree? its a free country and they should be able to sit where ever they want to. and then three white students hang nooses up in the tree??? i would beat the crap out of them right now and im not even a part of the group being discriminated against. and then they get charged w/ attempted murder! its a school fight, they happen all the time and most of the time kids don't even get charged... i guess this just shows how the color of your skin still really does have an impact on these issues. Its just plain stupid is what it is, i wish our country was past this stage.
yeah not sure why the black folk got in trouble for sitting under the tree, but couldn't hanging a noose be seen as a Freedom of Speech? so then the black folk should be punished for beating on the white guy because he too chose to practice a freedom of speech like the black folk practice freedom of assembling. it boils down to who was beating on who. which ends up with the black folk getting punished by law.
yes free speech and all that is fine, but free speech doesn't exist and you know it.
agreed Ryan, its so true though.
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